10 Steps For Creating Task Assignment Override in athenahealth

Task assignments help route both inbound and outbound documents. Athena starts with a standard set of default task assignments. A list of those can be found within the O-Help Article for Task Assignment Overrides (linked here – note that an athenahealth login is required to access).

In the example below, we are configuring a task assignment override so all incoming Admin – Billing documents route to a practice role called “billing”.  In this example, we will first illustrate how to build the practice role, then the task assignment override.

Practice Role Creation

1.    To create a practice role, navigate to the Gear --> Clinicals --> Practice Roles

2.    Add a name and select whether this practice role should be visible to all departments or (a) certain one(s). You can also add users to this practice role to assist in an overall task count for those end-users. In this example, we built a “billing” practice role.

Task Assignment Override Creation

*If you are wanting to configure a task assignment override for a newly created practice role, you may need to wait 30-60 minutes until the task assignment override table lists the new role under the “Assignee” field*

1.    Navigate to the Gear --> Clinicals --> Task Assignment Overrides

2.    Select whether this task assignment override applies to inbound documents or outbound orders.

a.    In this example we are configuring where inbound billing documents go, so we are selecting “inbound”

3.    Select the class of the order

a.    “Admin” for this example

4.    Optional – select a subclass for the order

a.    “Admin - Billing document” for this example

5.    Status – select which status this routing will apply to

a.    In this example, utilizing the REVIEW status

b.    Note: you may also want to configure additional task assignment overrides with the statuses of “DATAENTRY” and “HOLD” to their correct recipient(s)

6.    Action – typically not needed, is used for granular workflows

a.    Is not needed for this example

7.    Assignee – where you will assign the task assignment override to

a.    In this example, will configure for “billing”

8.    Departments

a.    In this example, we will select “All”

9.    Providers

a.    In this example, we will select “All”

10. Ordering

a.    Task Assignment Overrides go by the lowest number as priority. For this example, we will utilize 100.

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Anne Frazer

Anne Frazer has over eight years of healthcare experience with a healthcare IT background grounded in onsite project management through implementation/professional services experience.


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